Our Polite Society

This book is a collection of the monthly publications that we released between January and December 2009 in collaboration with Onafhankelijk Cultureel Centrum In It (OCCII) in Amsterdam.

During the year 2009 we had the opportunity to work with OCCII -- one of the oldest so-called “Vrijplaatsen” (independent self-organized squats) of Amsterdam and a venue for alternative and independent music. Together with the people involved with OCCII we set up an editorial board which gathered and produced content for a monthly publication with a twofold function: a documentation of current activities and a preview of the following month in the form of an agenda. Every month 1000 copies were produced of which 700 were distributed around the city of Amsterdam. The rest was saved in boxes at printshop ‘De Raddraaier’. After the December issue the saved newsletters were collected, bound together and cut down, forming the body of a book. A cover was printed and attached to the body. Now 300 copies of the book are ready for dispersion.

What attracted me to this book were the front and back cover, which were composed of just type which was placed landscape. Sometimes simple turning an object round the opposite way to your document adds an extra kick to the design

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