Now I Remember

OHWOW now provides the book to the exhibition, 'Now I Remember'-  that features works by Todd Jordan, Kevin “Spanky” Long, Jen “JR” Reynolds, Jerry Hsu, Curtis Buchanan, Tino Razo and Neckface. The soft cover book comes with an introduction by Mark Gonzales.

I've posted just the cover for 2 reasons:
1) Its the only image thus far of the publiction
2) I want to comment on the minimalist design that OHWOW is renowned for. The same people produce the All Gone fashion book, which is released every year.
Check it out

The full bleed pages feature stunning photography / bold graphics and work well alongside the small amount of type.

I feel as though this page is abit cluttered and i'd love to know what the grid system for this looks like. They seem to jump between one coloumn, two columns of text for one item. I suppose its so they can work around the imagery they have for the particular items.

I think the imagery used within this publication is stunning and offers plenty of potential directions in terms of image editing, layout, colour, number of copies.

ALL GONE 2009 – White/Red
Hard Cover, 26 x 24 cm, 256 pages
Limited edition of 700 copies
Sold Out

ALL GONE 2009 – White/White
Hard Cover, 26 x 24 cm, 256 pages
Limited edition of 300 copies
Sold Out

As you can see from the information above the books are released in limited quantities and are extremely hard to get hold of; unfortunately i was unable to acquire a copy.

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