Kenton Mills

Stunning visual submission for the D+AD brief. I love the imagery used behind each film clapper but feel that the covers would work if the clapper was spread across the whole cover without the imagery.

Six genres differentiated by colour.

Beckie Warburton

Very simplistic designs and colour variations. Nothing really too these designs really but it's given me some direction in terms of colour and additional items i could create such as the cinema ticket inside which can be used as a bookmark.

Robert Charter

Similar concept to the winning design but a different layout entirely and i don't think it works as well as that design. The simple variation in colour adds some variation and to the overall feel of the series.

Carolina Andreoli

Strong concept based around admission tickets at the cinema. Old school cinema tickets. This idea is really simple and looks stunning. I actually prefer this design to the winning submission.

There is a simple variation in stock which adds to the overall series of books and makes them that little bit different from each other.

Anders Stockman

Strong concept based upon end credits in the movies
The simple one colour approach keeps everything in series and looks stunning when the book is fully opened.

Rob Coyle D+AD Entry

Interesting idea to communicate the basic storyline of the film. Simple colour variation, i think perhaps they went a bit over the top with the three ff logos on there.  Not too keen on the type either and think that perhaps the designer could have had alot more fun with the wording of the front cover.

Faber and Faber 1st Place

Micheline Mannion's 1st place design. I love the concept of the list of books moving in line with the varying colours lines. It also reflects the whole digital culture and more so the print on demand facility on the faber and faber website. My peeve with all these designs is that they in no way reflect the awesomeness of the movies themselves, granted it is hard to do that entirely with typography in a way that would keep them all in close series. I have rewritten the brief to include small amounts of illustration, my initial ideas involve the use of simple geometric shapes to convey aspects of the storyline.

Faber and Faber 2nd Place

Robert Argen created these designs and came in 2nd place. His concept was based around the submission of movie screenplays in their courier format and played along that. Looking at the list of books in the photos not all of them are screenplays so for me the concept gets lost there. They are stunning visuals however and do look aesthetically pleasing but i feel the only thing tying them together is the logo .

Jan C. Faber and Faber

Omnicrom metallic finish is used on the entire series which adds to the high regards of Faber and Faber themselves within the film industry. As much as i like the finished product in terms of aesthetic processes i can't help but think that these book covers should emphasise aspects of the movie whilst keeping in series with each other as apposed to something that looks good.


A heavy bold typographic theme runs through the book which is partially printed on heavily textured stock.
I'm intrigued as to what the rest of the book looks like and found the fold out front cover to be a cool addition to the book.

Lotta Nieminen

Design and layout for Arttu, the University of Art and Design Helsinki’s quarterly magazine.
In collaboration with
Mikko Luotonen. 2008.

2 colours per spread works wonderfully in this collaborative magazine. The variation in colour throughout the publication is intriguing and holds your attention. A simple colour variation can be really effective and can keep the readers attention especially when it is a large page count.

I've began to notice more and more the use of smaller paper sizes within publications. I was particularly drawn to the full bleed imagery used on this small cover. Its a little bug of mine that the full word ANNA is not shown as i think it would work better that way.