Studio on Fire Blog - Beast Pieces
photopolymer plate on Crane Lettra 300gsm Florecent White at 18 x 24 size.

It is printed on Crane Lettra Flo. White 110lbc.
The card is like a small poster and folds up to a 5.5 x 5.5 square.

60pt blotter board with very dense black ink coverage so the marker would work properly. The sheet was then die cut into the four coasters. 

Studio on Fire are an amazing letterpress studio in Minneapolis and produce some absolutely stunning work and pay close attention to detail, stock and execution. Each and every print is simply stunning and holds your attention. A real craft. The intricate detail on each piece stands out in the simplified colour palette used on each piece.
I thought the beer mats produced above were an amazing idea and was toying with the idea of producing some for PPD as promotional material.

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