
"Action for Age was a project based around the wellbeing of the elderly population of current society. I had to design/create a service, experience or design solution to help prevent isolation and loneliness amongst the elderly population.

I came to the conclusion of creating an organization called ‘The Tea Room’ the circle 
stain of a cup of tea in itself can be used to symbolise the unity and the circle of friends created within this organization. The aim of The Tea Room is to create a warm community that elderly people feel they are a part of. The Tea Room Press; a community lead newspaper that would be run primarily by the elderly.

The Newspaper was designed completely to accommodate the needs and requirements of an eldery person. For the body copy of the newspaper and the overall house style of The Tea Room it was decided that Egyptienne 55 Roman was the best typeface to use. It provides maximum legibility and doesn’t look too obtrusive when used in a large weight."

A strong concept for this brief and interesting layout created to accommodate the older audience.

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