
September 2009 - Art Direction: onlab, Nicolas Bourquin, Thibaud Tissot, Christoph Gabriel
Layout: Partizan Publik
A project by 
Partizan Publik, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Editors: Christian Ernsten, Edwin Gardner

Microrayon Living is an inventory of everyday life strategies and D.I.Y. practices in the Post Soviet Microrayon. 

Research were conducted, together with several local partners in Gldani, Tblisi and in Veshnyaki, Moscow, two identical city quarters in terms of layout, the former at the periphery of the former Soviet Union, the latter in the center of power. Striking similarities and differences came to the fore. 

The next step in the research trajectory will be the development of a scenario for a social housing strategy in this context which will be presented at the Moscow Architecture Bieniale 2010.


September 2009 - Published by etc. publications, Berlin
Photos: Nicolas Bourquin, 2006, 2008
Design: onlab
Arabic interpreter: Rim Abu Zeid, Cairo
6 different issues of 66 copies, 16 pages per issue, 30x42 cm, b/w newspaper

The oder and direction of the sheets within the 6 different issues are placed in varied sequences. Therefore, the documentary portraits of the quarry workers are always positionned differently. It creates diverses picture compositions.
The central spread is the only entire portrait of the issue. The newspaper is not bound, so that every sheet can work as a poster.

Wonderful newspaper printed magazines
Beautiful layouts with a minimalist approach to colour and type.
I'm drawn to the idea of just using black and stock in my future works as i am starting to experiment with how much information i can reduce from a piece before it become redundant.

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