Marta Cerdà Alimbau

I found this ladies work on dropular and loved her type work. As i'm going over the briefs i considered finished, realising they weren't i'm find new artists and designers which can influence my work. The social don't panic brief. I'm considering producing a series of a6 postcards to depict different social rants.

The Yeah Yeah Yeahs is a collab with Alex Trochut.
This type face is amazing. I wish i'd had a copy when i was producing the logo for the NY couture shop.
I found this image on dropular and it really stood out. The fluid illustration mixed with type and its all one colour, which i think is amazing. I've started working solely in one colour for the duration of a brief and then adding more at the end if need be. I find this is an effective way of not over complicating your designs.

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