A graphic design publication with the objective to use the printed support, paper, to fix a laboratory of experiments and meditations released from formal and theoretical prejudices.

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Contributors/Autors : Christian Brandt, Lorena Cardenas, Change is good, David Conte, Pinar Demirdag, Neil Donnelly, Laurent Fétis, Kees de Klein, Wayne Daly, Bear Demen,EventArchitectuur, Experimental Jetset, Robin Gadde &team, Rob Giampietro, Hannes Gloor & Stefan Jandl, Catherine Guiral & David Cluzeau, Arnaud Daffos, Vincent Lalanne, Aurélie Guérinet, Rikard Heberling, Hey Ho, Hyoun Youl Joe, Julia, Konst & Teknik, Sacha Leopold,Olivier Marcellin, Fanette Mellier, Pipi Parade, Please Let Me Design, Thibaut Robin,Grégoire Romanet, Mathias Schweizer, Maki Suzuki (Åbäke), Pierre Vanni, Karen Willey, Ivor Williams
Typography: Jean-Baptiste Levée, Émilie Rigaud, Damien Fauret

Graphic design: SA|M|AEL (Samuel Bonnet & Maël Fournier-Comte )

Format: 34×46cm (34×23cm), 52(104)p.
10 €

The blog Manystuff have released their first editorial publication composed of well structured type and scientific diagrams, which give it an almost info-graphic based. The editorial piece is all one colour and looks stunning. 

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