Simon Page

created a series of posters for the International Year of Astronomy (2009) These are incredibly graphicy posters and the colour use is amazing and simple and minimalist and adds a real futurist aesthetic to the work. It also reminds me a great deal of the work of Scott Hansen (ISO50)

"Here are some retro style posters which I have created for the International Year of Astronomy which is this year (2009). Rather than go for a modern sci-fi highly photoshopped image I have gone for a more retro feel with posters that you might of expect to see on an old astronomy book back in the 60s and 70s.

I initially designed these as self-promotional works but word gets around and last week I received an email from the IYA 09 that they thought the posters were great and would like to use them for their promotional work - this was awesome and I of course said yes."

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