Found these interesting prints. I have no idea who created them the ffffound link linked to a blog picture and no way of finding my way back to the original post.
I thought they were particular interesting takes upon the films.

Jonas Hegi

Zurich based design. Love his simple colour variation in his poster work. The lower work was produced for the BA Graphic Communication course and is really simple and damn cool. It's again work that proves simple colours and layouts can be the most effective.


These simple illustrations are incredible. Simple, clean and the mix of overlaying of colours just adds a little variety. Britain should go back to publishing art like this as apposed to the horrible standardised corporate bullshit most councils are opting for now a days.

Bleed Agency

Bleed have a variety of stunning work that stands out a mile away.

Album cover design for merry november
Stunning, Simple, Limited colour and visually engaging. I like the diversity of the type layout in the lyrics book (a bit risque)

Poster for Bård Breivik. The mixture between experimental type and the imagery creates a unique aesthetic that stands out. The  blend used in the background also adds to the effect. I think in my poster work i need to experiment more with different materials and further my knowledge of illustrator.

Damien Hirst

Not a fan of Damien Hirst's work but whoever did these simple posters deserves a pat on the back.

Graffiti + Stickers

I recently returned from my trip to Rotterdam/Amsterdam/Breda with Andrew Mcgowan, Jack Cook, James Edmondson and Usman Shahid. All in all a good trip - Fun times were had, lessons learnt and cool cats were met.

I used the opportunity to explore different type throughout the three cities i was visiting. I focused mainly upon the different graffiti styles across the cities. Colour is a vital part of my design practice and i have a method of working now where i produce everything in black and white then worry about the colour. Graffiti in Holland is so colourful and definitely has got me thinking about how i could have another side to my work with bombardments of colour.

It was interesting to see different tags and monikers for the artists. I want to explore more illustrative type over this module so we'll see how this influences my work.

Hill Street Blues coffeeshop in Amsterdam has graffiti all over the walls. They don't mind you adding your own to the walls. It was amazing in there.

I found a dick graffitied on a wall in Breda.

I found an andre the giant sticker on this parking meter. Nice to see some old school Shepard Fairey.