Jazz 09 Journal - http://www.behance.net/martinojanadesign

Beautiful editorial work. The simple colours work amazingly well. I want to create something simple like this for YCN

Newspaper Layout.

This would come in handier earlier but ce la vie.

Cool booklets. Again simple colours. Nice type too. Check the circle of colour that chnages on each book to signify chapter.


Love the extra fold on the cover for a little grip like dust cover. I want to try and make a proper book for my final major project. Maybe two. Anyway i'm still working on the booklet for the t-shirst. Looking at stocks.


I have no idea who made these. Gutted. cos they are stunning. Simple colour palette again. Interesting layouts and type experimentation. I wanna make my charity YCN brief more eye catching, nothing is worse than getting a generic run of the mill information pack or leaflet on charity disease anything. Its just like a shit takeaway menu.


but still simple colour palettes make the world of difference.

Nivard Thoes

Found this on a flickr fan page. Its an interesting typeface over an incredible b+w photo. Wanted to try something like this for the YCN brief a booklet, a display box, pins kinda welcome back

'Drebbel' is an experimental open-air opera dedicated to the world famous inventor Cornelis Drebbel [1572-1633] portrayed by Dutch singer-songwriter Thé Lau (the Scene).

The poster portrays a strained Drebbel (including Renaissance moustache), semi-submerged below the surface of water, on the point of nearly drowning. Visually referring to essential themes of the opera; water, submarines, oxygen. Subtly referring to the essential theme of the libretto dealing with the questioning of Drebbel's credibility; is he really a genius inventor or just a skill-full copycat?


I've printed my tee. But stuff like this is so inspiring. Kinda disheartening that people are already turning against obama. I mean give the guy a break he hasnt even been in office a full year yet. What do they expect miracles?

HelloFreaks Portfolio on Behance


Strong illustrations. Exploring loadsa different illustration styles for this ycn brief. These illustrations have bold outlines and very clear hand drawn type.

Not sure who produced this but fits in with the bollocks to poverty i am going to under take. Starting that this week. Also finishing off the t-shirts and getting the book to a printers for printing. Going to phone team impression about a price for 5 books. Or look at just getting one fully printed/binded as an example for my boards etc.

We'll soon seeeeeeeeee.

Supreme Shop Website

I had a cool idea whilst looking on the supreme website. I could create something like this as a contents page for the book i want to accompany my t-shirts.


the online retailer, have models for exhibiting their clothes. HAWT HAAWT HAWT MODELS
Simple, Clean, Professional light studio photography.

Johnny Cupcakes Promo Shots

Johnny Cupcakes sometimes has props and sets for his promo photos. I don't have mega loadsa time to build sets and buy props.
Would be cool though

American Apparel

American Apparel are renowned for their adverts, where the clothing take a back seat to busty beauties. This is something that seems to work really well for them and i would love to give it a go



More layouts

Amazing use of layout



Awesome everything

Need this in my zine work

Ryan Spacey

More overlaying of text.
I'm heading more to text overlaying image but ya never know

Phil Yamada

Overlays something i'm looking into for my bollocks to poverty brief.


Simple layout consisting of text then image.
Same through out like what i did with my rants booklet.


"Last night a friend and I checked out Joseph Hart’s opening of his new show Stagecraft at David Krut projects. As you must know from this blog, I’m not a huge fan of abstract art. But I am completely in love with Joe Hart’s recent work. Some of the pieces in the show were huge. From afar they made really beautiful weightless compositions of lines and abstract shapes. And then up close there is so much texture- tiny little pencil lines, parts where the paint was much thicker, or remnants of drawings that got painted over. Everything in his work seems perfectly thought out but also completely natural. I asked him a little about his process and he mentioned he often puts a piece away for a while, then takes it back out and adds, deletes, and cuts and pastes pieces. Unfortunately I couldn’t afford to buy one of his amazing works but luckily they were selling this little catalogue of the work from the show, which will have to do for now, sigh."

Really simple design. Mixing up of 3 different page layouts. Keep it varied but not too much so it looks like a mess.



Squares, circles and triangles are at the core of what makes the industrial world around us. A universal visual language apparent in all things—the tools we use, the fashion we wear, the buildings we live in and the communications we see.

Really colourful printed zine printed on newsprint
Some happy accidents happened with the book included some very nice show-through from page to page and a narrative evolving with the reoccurring red circle.

Packaging - Ffe


Simple small tote bag containing t-shirt and stickers.
If i could find small laundry bags, could send it out in them. Fits in with the idea of scandals

scandal = dirty laundry

Packaging - Trick Go

Not necessarily into the t-shirts but the packing is simple and customised so it relates to the brand.


Packaging - Zoo York

Interesting packaging shape for a tee.
Design by Esther Kima for Zoo York


I'm going to make a short zine explaining details behind the tees. All going to be in black and white. Printed on different stocks. Very DIY.

Simple concertina zine. Photobased